About us

The Pram Race is a registered charity (Registration Number 1145317) and is run by a Committee made up of a mixture of Villagers and experienced event organisers. There are always ways in which others can contribute to the Pram Race and so the Committee would be delighted to hear from you if you would like to get involved.

Contact us


Mike Sheard

Phone: 07770 381370

Email: chairman@pramrace.com


David Pollen, treasurer@pramrace.com

Committee Member:

Luc Kergoat

Committee Member/ Chief Marshal:

Jerry Lawson chiefmarshal@pramrace.com

Committee Member:

Phil Smith (Health & Safety)

Committee Member:

David Gosling

Committee Member:

Geraldine Newman

Committee Member:

Krishan Roopun info@pramrace.com